
2025 Play on (password : bubble)

A Busy Bubble is a short cooperation game, where you play as bees escaping the ocean through a small bubble. The Play Don't Tell team made this game during the Global Game Jam 2025 edition, as its first collabroative project!

A collaborative effort

In 2025, the Global Game Jam offers the chance to create a game in 48 hours on the theme of “Bubble”, which I had the pleasure of doing with the new Play Don't Tell team. This newly-formed team of friends and colleagues took the opportunity to create our first game together.

The beginning of a studio

Beyond the usual challenges of game jams (pressure of time and limited resources, technical and artistic constraints, excessive calorie intake, etc.), we wanted to see what we were capable of creating together, by combining our skills and crafting our means of communication and collaboration. We were very proud to have been able to make this little game, and left feeling successful in every aspect.

A learning experience

As a first collaboration, this game marks the beginning of our reflections on how best to create together. From this first experience, we've come up with a whole list of possible improvements, ideas for the future, and projects to start.


Ivan Voirol and Kenneth Rioja

Visual design and Level design

Tina Voirol, Clémence Salomon and Lyvia Streich

Music and Sound

Marie Angelillo

Game engine

Godot Engine